Hi, I am Evelyn Szczepanek

Hey There!! Thanks for visiting my website. Don't worry, I know what you are thinking: "how in the world do you pronounce that last name?" It is much easier then it looks: "SIS-PANIC."

Like many passionate equestrians, I grew up riding horses any chance I could. I used to beg my dad for a pony every Christmas. I loved their unique personalities and the quite moments shared with them. My infatuation deepened when I joined the Penn State Equestrian Team in 2009 and competed in the hunters and jumpers. During that time, my father, introduced me to photography and gave me my first DSLR camera. I instantly fell in love... this time with a tool that helped me capture the memories made with horses.

In 2011, I finally became a horse owner with Lincoln by my side and the horse-hoarding began! In 2012, a few months after my daughter Lily was born, my mom adopted a thoroughbred named Flo. Then came Strudel in 2014... and Maddie, a 12.1h Welsh pony for my daughter, in 2018. Today, my heard looks a bit different. Strudel was sold to a great junior rider in Georgia and Lincoln left Earth far too soon.

Before Lincoln passed, I had professional photos taken of us. Instead of having non-pro prints that fade just like memories as time goes on, I have exquisite prints that will keep the memories alive and treasured.

This is what fueled the inception of my photography business in 2015: to capture the personalities and deep bonds between horses and riders for generations to come.

Fun Facts:

Obsessions: the beach, Starbucks' Mango Dragonfruit Refreshers, and the movies

Favorite TV shows while editing: The 100, Stranger Things, Handmaids Tale, GOT, and The Office

Life Goals: photograph horses from all around the world and capture the wild herds found in North America

Meet My Past and Present Horses

Lincoln || Honest Abe

Flo || Lady Florentine

Maddie || Maddie Pie

Strudel || Good Reason

Cozi || Cozette

Tipsy || Top Self

I look forward to hearing from you and learning all about the bond between you and your horse.

- Evelyn