Alison was one of the Red Wing Benefit sessions. Alison has been riding at Ambers on the collegiate team. She loves Devin. He is her unofficially owned Heart horse. Earlier this year, while Amber was giving birth to her 2nd child, her one barn caught on fire. All horses survived but it was devastating as there was a lot of hay, grain, tack and other important items in that barn. You can see on video, from a police officers body cam, trying to get a horse. I use to ride in IHSA out of the barn. You can read more about Red Wing Here.
When I showed up for Alison's session, I was so worried about the lighting and the thick dark clouds. During the day, it was a dark and gloomy. I was getting close to calling the session.... but instead, I messaged them to ask if we could bump the session up by an hour. It was still dark when I arrived but the moment we started the session, the sky opened up and we got this gorgeous was meant to be! This sessions falls under the week of amazing light. There is a blog later on this month about the week of the best light ever.